Monday 23 February 2009

1063 Artman Working

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld on MySpace and decided to go to her freestanding website, and immediately knew that this was a mind I needed to begin to experience and rushed to Amazon and E Bay to discover what was available, and bought two volumes of the earliest of poems. Because they were to be shipped from the>USA from separate sources it is interesting that I obtained both today, one from the post office as delivery was could not be made when I was out on Thursday and one in this morning's delivery.

The first volume is a double surprise because it is number 456 of 500 and signed by the author "Climates of the Mind." It contains a substantial number of poetic writings, snippets in addition to full poems, and although I have only dipped, I am in awe at the ability to express such a level thoughts and feelings, viewpoints and understanding by someone so comparatively young when it was published in cloth paper nearly three decades ago. This is an individual who values privacy, but it is evident that she has a command of philosophy and psychoanalytical thinking of the most significant level and which she has translated into poems ranging from simple and succinct observations to the complex of images embracing a knowledge of historical literature to the views of Carl Jung which I shall comment further in relation to the second volume. From the internet I have viewed some of the visual work and not surprised to learn that it has been acquired by leading collectors.

When I say she covers issues which I also explore it is not suggest we inhabit the same dimension. The second work sub titled word painting is called "Satan Sleeps with the Holy," and the snippets of reviews are by psychologists, psychiatrists and a literature professor. This exploration while covering evil and Hell is about the human condition and the significance of the subconscious. Over forty years ago I read psychoanalytical writings, mainly Freud, father and daughter, Alexander, and books by Jung :- his consideration of Freud and Psychoanalysis and a work which influenced more than the others, Modern Man in search of a soul, together with the writings of R D Laing, particularly his, Divided Self."

Today I read sections of the chapter in Modern Man, called the Spiritual Problem of Modern Man, and was struck by his sentence about standing on the "peak, or at the very edge of the world, the abyss of the future before him, and below him the heavens, and below him the whole of mankind with a history that disappears in primeval mists"

Now there was I thinking I was being original when talking about life being like climbing mountains, and finding that while you looked down on humanity, the rest of humanity looked down at you from even higher peaks. I only recently had I written about running around the rim of abyss, shouting "I see you, I see you." I have only recently appreciated that while I cannot recall what I have read it will have lain there in the subconscious, confirming that nothing I say is original and that many others can better express. It is not a dispiriting reality because the process of discovery is my own and I grow and integrate as a creative person. I will not attempt to consume and digest as used to do my food, to fill he void of hunger, but do what I did today read a bit when I can and want to.

The excitement and pleasure at just handling the books was the filling in period where football played a major role in my experience with fourth matches yesterday afternoon and evening and two this evening switching between channels. Lunchtime I went to Newcastle and owned up to neighbours that I had been to Sunderland and would going again and they were not impressed. They would have been more upset when later that evening Sunderland won the game after going a goal down and because other teams lost or drew found themselves at the head of the position table. This evening I started by watching Chelsea at Valencia but switched to Old Trafford when the first of their seven goals was scored. One moment I disclosing the universal jealous towards the success of the Manchester United and then next expressed awe and admiration for how they can perform. Chelsea also won with goal in the last seconds, so there is the likelihood of the three English clubs in the semi finals.

The main work activity was to make up the additional 15 boxes to create a 9.3.39 display of the 101 books, deciding on 3 white sandwiched between 3 blacks for the 9 and a two black one white setting for the 3's. I will photo during the rest of the week but tomorrow is to be given over to house cleaning and set making, mainly of MySpace produced material. I started the box making this morning after rising at a reasonable hour going to bed after 3 am.

I felt good because there had been no need to go for a zombie like pee in the dark, cautious of slipping over the two steps of the half landing and crashing by mistake into one of the display units housing the story of my electronic experience. The first was a Clive Sinclair ZX or something similar, which I had no idea what to do with and junked which is a pity cos it might be worth a few bob in a hundred year's time. Then it was a Commodore 64 which you had to attach to a TV, and games and thingies had to be loaded via Cassette tape, and where the best game was called Alice. Ah ha hands up all those who spotted Alice among my friends, although she is therefore a different purpose. After the Alice came two word processing Amstrads a 256 and then a 512 with a green screen and I envied those who communicated in colour. I carried an Amstrad around in a giant shoulder bag as the original lap top, well how many people do you know carried their desktop as a shoulder bag in the mid 1980's to all parts of England, (when doing field trips for the Drug Advisory Service).

I did a little shopping at the supermarket after going to collect the Kleefeld book, as test of will, because later I could have gone with the car when visiting my mother. I needed some vinegar and olives for my salads. I am trying to lose weight again in earnest because of a potential physical health problem that I have tracked over several weeks and a visit arranged for the GP I was disappointed with myself when weighing at Easter. Having gained a few pounds which took me over 15.7, which still two stones lighter over the past year but my aim was to be under 15 some by the School Summer half term. I did walk about four miles on Saturday but under a mile walking around Newcastle yesterday and about the same today.

Growing tried after he meal I tried a siesta and woken up quickly watching the closing sections of the final disk of the first season of Lost, which should get into the 101 TV list. When I realised that I did not have another mil order rental to view, I decided to see the DVD on the life of Ray Charles which followed the usual cautionary tale of successful male entertainers men who take up second wives while on the road, of drug experimentation and addicted use, and of dumping those who played a major part in achieving fame and success. I am tired as it is after 2 am so will stop with nothing profound to say. Nor do I feel up to a spelling and grammar check.

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