Saturday 21 February 2009

1011 Project 1011 explained 7

The remaining aspect of categorization in my work is between a record of events and record of records. It is logical that if the purpose is to cover every aspect of one life then in addition to a chronicle of events, I should include the available trivia such as bills and income information.

Such information has a wider interest beyond an indication of a changing social situation, because it can be a measure of change in society. The purchase of a home computer, a subscription to Sky, the price of football season tickets, the purchase of a gramophone record, the first video, CD and DVD and MP3 player are a few examples.

Originally the start and cut off points were set at my conception and 65th birthday but this quickly was rejected as limiting. While it is not possible to trace genealogical inheritance back to 'Adam and Eve' with the help of others there is confirmed information to the 17 century. Having argued that the process working is integral to any creative activity output then, and then all experience which could affect working had to be recorded in someway, in the first instance through a mixture of open and confidential audio recordings and photographs of visual changes within and around the working environment in addition to the recording of outputs. Recording after 100 audio tapes stopped and for about a change a digital voice recorder was used, and then to a written account which developed into a Blog. The main reason for changes has been personal preference, but what influenced the preference?

Over 230000 photographs have been recorded, and only a proportion included as photocards. The dividing line between what should be classified as an event and a record is constantly under review. One arbitrary division has been the printing out of information provided by others on events and personalities in each of the years of self conscious existence, and treating this as background record. Another is census, church and registration records part of the ancestral investigations. Both are records of events but created and provided by others.

The smaller but important category has been classified as lists of records, the books, the photographic work, the audio collection, and the collections of programmes. There ought to be an overall related database, but a constant balance has to be fought for between building up a chronological biography of experience in a social context, between tackling material related to major components and the process of reliving previous experience, re reading a book, seeing a film on DVD, listening to audio experiences. There was a period in my life when I attended live Traditional sessions in central London and it was a fascinating detour to find out what happened to individual musicians of forty years ago and find internet sites listing their careers and outputs in comprehensive detail. My mother and the two sisters who brought me were great fans of Al Jolson, so only recently as part of writing something of her life where older sisters saw in the twentieth century while she and two sisters were alive for the start of the third millennium, I rented a video of the two Jolson films and discovered that all his work and working collaborations were covered on one of several internet sites.

At first I was conscious of the need to work in a disciplined was to a framework and a time table if I to have any hope of completing the task in ten years. I have mentioned the influence of the black structures of Hanne Darboven on the housing of confidential material. There has been a second and more important influence on the final appearance of these containers. Black objects which appear sinister and threatening can prove to be just that with the spaceship encountered after leaving the restaurant the end of the universe, but they can also contain the secret of the beginning of the universe such as in the works of 2001 ands 2010, and the TV series and films which has been created from the literature. 2010 became a target as did 2008 when Newcastle had hoped to become the European city of culture.

My approach towards going live about the process of working and testing reaction to a work likely to be only of interest to me, has changed since the decision was taken to commit myself to the project in its present form midday through 2003. Doing has become an end together with doing to the best my abilities which remain limited.

A 500 page biographical work with 101 photographs has been completed and printed but not published as such, because at some point I want to attempt to exhibit the 101 copies in a transparent sealed contained together with 101 photographs and 101 statements and explanations. A factual family history of my mother's English heritage has been completed and circulated to family and related family history interests. At present I am engaged in working on editions of a 100 year celebration of the life of my mother. There is one filing cabinet already full of confidential work related to try to discover the actual circumstances of the death of my aunt who provided mothering in childhood, and the causal relationships between sequences of events before had cutting across professions and institutional structures, and where enquiries are only going some four years later. There are a number of projects in a queue of priorities subject to review and where work has commenced. Studying Christianity, other religions and their text is one such project where I attempt to spend a little tine reading before sleep time, and then writing up when fresh in the morning. I try and learn a little Spanish on the ten minute car trip to and from visiting my mother and on other journeys whose radius is no more than a dozen miles, but usually less.

At the present count 6102 sets have been signed completed and indexed, 146448 individual cards. Over the four years I have taken two months off. The first when I felt I needed a break just to think read and experience sunshine and sunset and rain on skin. The second was practical, preparation to move after thirty years which included packing and indexes the contents of over 400 boxes, 100 of which remain to be explored, followed by the process of organising how I wanted my new home to look and feel. Last year the working output slowed down as I commenced a routine of daily exercise and reorganised the food bought, how it was cooked and consumed with the consequence of losing two stone and feeling that I might outlive my mother, and this year after a winter recess but with some indoor cycling exercise the programme to lose another stone and a half without a mention of the word diet, has commenced. But most of all I feel that I am a creative artist in perpetual being and that is beyond price or recognition for the work, although I would like it to have a life after I go through what could be the final portal.

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