Sunday 22 February 2009

1035 Creative Lost

I began MySpace searching for someone who is doing something similar to me so I can share and learn

And then I find a sound, a voice, a collection of words, an image of a work or of a person, which makes me say WOW, and it is the sound, voice, image, words which interest me as they have a life independent of their creator and I can communicate with them through my past and my present. This is why I am sad when I see MySpace images without a comment, sharing momentarily in their loneliness.

In order to create anything you must have an ego which is only selfish in the sense that you are giving time to working and which is consequently at the expense of time to be given to anyone else who needs you, parents, partners, children, strangers close and afar. However it is not considered selfish time by the work in creation. Biological females feel left out when their partners go off to work or on other non partnering things and biological males feel this even more when biological female partner become preoccupied with giving birth and nurturing because they understand the bond is lifelong and one where they can only become a part and not a whole.

Most people are able to cope with their separateness by merging with a life partner, and then with their own created family, but through this process, you lose your separate identity as well as your loneliness. Others achieve a balance through merging with a faith, spiritual, political, economic or social, and some with a substance and most through a combination achieved by trial and error for we rarely learn from the mistakes of others.

But then there are the creatives who know who they are, and who they will be and they are driven by the need to create and then to give independent freedom to their work

I believe all creative art comes from a need which transcends fame and fortune and the artist is driven irrespective of the outcome except of the need to ensure that the creation is experienced when its creator is unable to protect and nurture.

It is a belief that the work exists independently but only if it is experienced by other human beings who interact with all their past and their present.

So if you are a creative when you work you are not alone, but you have to find the form of creation which brings you satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

But beware sometimes the Gods punish by giving you what you wish for. They give you fame and financial success, your works are put in vaults or places where they are rarely seen, and the knowledge that you work feels alone will only bring you discontent.

You become well known and popular so that you get invited to this and that and soon there is no time to create and you have lost yourself in company of others.

Or you become so well known that the only way to be alone is to separate yourself from the world of other people using your new wealth to guard you and yours, and what life will they have if they are not the same as you, or if they are?

And then you find that you are also no longer free to go out of the prison you have created for yourself and experience all that there is to stimulate and inspire you to create, so you look to abandon your creativity and to merge yourself with others, an idea, or a substance.

You have entered through the portal of Creative Lost

“ya know part of the idea behind "magick" is being aware on a level in which you can learn to control that which you create by way of it's own design. People who "make stuff" are by default not any better than your alley tom cat; giving birth to one manifestation after another. There's a difference between having an original purpose behind creating a work, and recognizing your work as a child you brought into this world.

Art/writing/music/etc for me came by way of pure isolation. I spent most of my childhood in an ever changing prison. The only constants were books and the music my mother played and a deep longing to practice drawing the ideas that kept me company despite an utter lack of art supplies. I looked at art school as way to finally pursue art, and had that dream dissolved by the disinterest of others. I vowed to remain self taught until i met anyone who was ready to share knowledge with me. I’ve had my work stolen, destroyed, mocked ... but something rose to the surface... something seems to resonate through my methods of creativity. I guess in a way and I truly live for that.

"You’re right to warn people about the portal of creative lost... But to even KNOW of this is to have conquered it. It's Tomcats that are blind to this stage of creation.
Posted by Acrylick (at last) Alchemical on 15:03 - 15:25
Well that puts the gauntlet down. Interesting if it taken up by a trained artist, particularly a commercially successful one. My view is that most people engage in recreating historical art, particularly if it has become profitable. Historical art is any art which is not being created and does not reflect the experience of the contemporary moment. I enjoy historical art and it is great that there is a commercial industry where artists, critics, exhibitors, art lovers and speculators can all makes lots of money which they then spend on artists, critics, art lovers and speculators, and on others, to make more money and create more historical art work recreation opportunities.
This is a different concept from those who set out to make something which others subsequent regard as art and from those who set out"

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