Friday 20 March 2009

1152 Artman Report

Sometimes what I do is circular. This is the 149th MySpace published writing, commenced at 10.30, Wednesday 22nd August 2007,on a morning when I amputating my 101 project records. I have completed a printed 4 set volume of creative work numbers 5462-5465. It also contains two Artman glitter cards, the first written in freehand green and silver glitter and second in gold and red glitter, and two signature card signed Artman in black crayon which includes the numbers of each card in sets 131065 113060 and the numbers of the Artman glitter cards 108363 108365 and of the signature cards 108364 10836 of set 4515, also classified as a creative set. Technically only the glitter cards should be described as creative and the signature cards record cards but in the beginning I decided against because I was being lazy and therefore it is something that has to be lived with.

I have also photographed the volume one page at a time, although some volumes I also photograph two pages because the this interests and also establishes that the written or visual material exists in addition to the record of the writing on a computer and a computer disk, and in the instance of this work, on My Space, retrievable by me as long as I keep the My Space account and it keep me, and technically I assume in the master Myspace database unless all individual records are deleted if an account is ended.

I have also entered the record of the last two completed the sets in a chronological list 6570 6571 as the others were previously entered thus making 157704 cards officially registered although I have over 30 volumes some from one set volumes others of eight sets to be checked and registered and photographed of completed sets of work which rise from the floor onto a settee. Some of these volumes or where the Artman glitter cards or registration signatures also need to be created. The glitter cards can be created while I watch television, usually I am bored after twenty and I only have surface space for that number o dry in this room, and by the evening after a meal I am sufficiently tired not to make the journey into the front room, cannot be called a living room, because I use it rarely at the moment other than to clean, or get a bottle of wine, check on literature work from the library shelving, a DVD, to view on the wide 32in wide screen TV now in my ground floor work room. The front room also houses two thirds of the video collection and I cannot remembered the last occasion I viewed material although the intention is to transfer to DVD someday. The audio unit including vinyl record player is also next door, in theory I will listen to my music or use the music as a background to reading although this is also rare, because both activities should be undertaken separately.

Tonight it is a friendly football match between England and Germany and the BBC has again risked wrath by adding some laughter when it advertises that it showing the match, trying to generate an audience obviously having paid a substantial some to show the match in competition with other media and forgetting that in pubs across the land, the National Front and other right wing groups will assemble and use the occasion to display the worst kinds of nationalistic and threatening racist behaviour, and which will spill over into physical violence at any opportunity, especially if England lose. Oh some may say, if this is read by anyone how do you know? I have witnessed this myself, the last instance was at a public house at Waddon near Croydon where a charming young man explained to the Black barman that they would wreck the place if England lost. This was not banter, or boastful I intimidation. We all knew it was meant, that is the ladies who disappeared first with their partners because of vile references to their bodily parts, and the rest of us who decided to leave at half time, giving sympathetic glances to the barman and each other as we retreated while the yobs were at the bar to refreshing themselves for what was to come.

Working in was not my original intention as I hoped the weather would have brightened up to undertake the next stage of the two rivers walk, which covers the cliff promenade and suntrap sunbathing areas between the Seaburn and Roker beaches which includes a gap between the cliff over which there is the road, but under which there is pathway into a park which has been upgraded back to its Victorian splendour. It is brightening but having started I will do some 101 work, make myself a cheese or salami omelette followed by a banana or some plum visiting my mother between 2 and 6 and return for the evening meal and the match. Whoops I need to iron the three nightdresses washed and dried last night, next before the food. Tomorrow a walk is also out unless I get up early and the weather is suitable because I have been asked to meet with the consultant at noon, and in the evening I want to go to the pictures, to experience the third Bourne trilogy film, at least I assume it is a trilogy, and where through the kind benevolence of ITV the first two films were shown on Sunday and last night, repeated on another of their channels on Monday and tonight. An first of all to check emails and myspace and the post.

Great my internet post DVD club has sent Jamon Jamon, the 1992 film directed by Bigas Luna and starring Penelope Cruz, together with the Francois Ozon film Time to leave with Jeanne Moreau, both of which I know nothing about, more internet checking, but before or after? Hospital has telephoned to confirm I will be at the round doctors round tomorrow. New debit card arrived to replace one which expires in a week's time.

12.15. There was another of those infuriating annual discussion about the cost of school uniforms and the requirement to wear them. The BBC sees its role in these programme to present as wide a viewpoint as possible within the permitted framework of free speech without coming to any conclusions irrespective of the evidence presented or the logic of a particular argument. As a consequences it sometimes misses out on fundamental points. Earlier in the week or even last week a woman became very upset when others did not share her passionate argument that children should have the nurturing of their mother in the earliest of years, but nobody was on hand to explain to her that she was right, but only to a degree because it so much depends on the mother and her social, educational, cultural and economic circumstances. If she loves her child, recognising it is a young person, is comfortable being a full time mother and wife, and is able to prepare her child for school and for living in society then great, but how many young first time mothers are equipped to do this? An what effect will this have on the child if she not? It is a sad truth that the more poor in every respect the mother, the greater the child will benefit from mixing with children from different backgrounds and being ion contact with adults who have some insight and experience of good mothering. The converse is also sadly true that the stronger the background of the mother the greater is the ability of the child to function in whatever environment it is placed. Where is some circumstances the mother has died, departed or made herself unavailable a substitute mother is preferable and then a natural or substitute father figure. There is no absolute position and in every situation the issue depending on the circumstances and background of those with the primary responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

12.45 This morning the subject of school uniforms also had its infuriating moments. I agreed with those who argued that a school uniform was a social leveller in so far that within school the worst aspects of children's clothes wear can be avoided from inappropriate clothing to the showing off wealth and following of fashion which should be regarded by all sensible and caring people as one of the deadliest of sins and a guarantee of moving into the anti room of hell rather than heaven. We hen had the extraordinary situation of a male head of department arguing that children who wore uniforms correctly had better examination results than those who did not. If correct no one was on hand to explain that this meant we had the wrong examination system because it was measuring conformity and not originality and creativity. As a nation , it is true we once needed conforming masses who would be comfortable in the future roles working in heavy industry and manufacturing, or undertaking routine clerical work which can now be undertaken on a computer as part of other more interesting functions. This is not longer the situation and in order for the nation to survive we need an increasing number of creative, imaginative, energetic, inventive individualists, even to undertaking comparatively simple and lowly paid work such that being a waiter in a restaurant or serving behind a bar The establishment has to attract people to leave their homes from where the same food and drink can be provided at a quarter of the cost, and where those who make can continue to do so. This is also true for those who spend most of their day and night cleaning the bottoms of the old and disabled and ensuring that they are appropriately fed and clothed. The least suitable person is someone without imagination and creativity who cannot see every resident as the person they have been or someone they are likely to become. Unfortunately some schools do have teachers, even heads, who are the kind of adults who prepared their young men to go off and be slaughtered in their millions without being able to question if what they were doing is justified. This of course is what happens in totalitarian regimes of the extreme political right and left. What attracted me to Jesus Christ was his subversive tendencies.

1.20 I had my daily fix of profit predicting from antiques, a daily reminder that as with stocks and shares the only people to make a regular profit are the dealers. There is one expert who always qualifies the estimate or sale figure by saying there is a little bit of commission to take off hohoho. I hate to think what his definition of a big bit is. There are the occasional amazing tales of luck something bought in a car boot sale for coppers which is then sold for hundreds and even thousands of pounds, but the odds are no different from the national lottery or bring murdered by a stranger who is in their teens. Later while watching subtitled TV with my mother there was a programme where someone brought a Moorcroft Vase to a dealer who offered cash which is not accepted would go to auction. The person was foolish enough to tell the dealer that he had been offered £75 which he did not consider acceptable. The dealer offered £100 adding that at the auction there would be commission to pay. I have watched sufficient of these programmes to know that the Moorcroft vase usually makes over £200. By coincidence in a separate programme a pair of Moorcrofts, similar but not matching fetched over £600.

10.30pm I did a good pre holiday weekend shop after the hospital visit with on naughty naughty. Two choux chocolate topped fresh cream filled buns, eaten after a meal of two pork chops, steamed unfrozen vegetable and a bowl of cherries after red wine and peanuts, followed by a can of coke. This proved to be suitable preparation for the match which commenced with a good disaster in that I went to sleep for just over nine minutes after kick off thus missing the opening English goal. I then saw our goal keeper make the mistake which is likely to cost his international career and a first cap back (i.e. not a forward), blast a shot to put the opposition ahead 2.1. The Mr Owen short of match fitness, and good riddance Mr Dyer both missed golden opportunities plus the makes lost of mistakes, usually, opposition goalkeeper made some great saves, so we lost, but it was a no consequence friendly.

I have managed to transfer the photographs from two memory sticks and do the signatures cards for the Myspace Blog new volume and then for a volume of creative photographs with the title photodream and where one set 5470 is completed.

23.45 Checked the position in the legends prediction league and find that I have progressed from 600 something to 400 something at the end of week 2. The slowness of activity because for background I decided to watch Rat Race on Film Four. A ridiculous escapade race movie from Las Vegas to Silver City in which John Cleese sets up six punters chancing their arm in his casino to get to Silver City where he has placed two million dollars in the station left luggage available to any of the six who gets their before the others. The six who include Rowan Atkinson, as a badly speaking Italian, Whoopie Goldberg playing nun on the run and Cuba Gooding playing Cuba Gooding, are worthy of Membership of the Big Brother club and each have prosperous and predicable adventurous mishaps until the spectacular finale in which they decide to abandon their individual quests in order to help feed the world.

Another day is ending and despite the weather four or five members of the Big brother gang are in th heated pool while others coated sit at the smoking bench, which others get comfy in the bedroom, but I will be abed and asleep long before any of them are. I have added a registered six developments sets 1915-1919, completing one volume 1907-1904 creating the signature cards to 1925. 6578 sets registered and 252648 photos.

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