Saturday 14 March 2009

1122 101 Project and past 7 days review

It is only a week since my last uploaded writing, the consequence of technical problems, the decision to upload photographs, and ongoing task, participation in outdoor activities, in part a serious effort to reduce weight sand improve fitness, some household work and some emotionally challenging situations over which I had little or not influence.

On the journey to the Diana concert I took a major decision about autobiographical writing deciding to set aside the work on Fragments of Memory and Fragments of Time for one composite work, centred on what experience, reason and some research indicated was a criminal scam, but which I hoped was not. Almost as soon as I devised the framework for the new work, I received confirmation that I had been chasing a fantasy, an illusion and the framework was shattered.

I had mentioned to a friend studying Literature that I had written a novel and following an expression of interest in reading the work I tried to find the disk on which I had transferred the original manuscript from Amstrad loco script to Microsoft Word and knew that I want to lose myself in recreating the work as my main task for 2007 and into 2008. I am pleased with the first 24 doubled lined pages and decided to attend to some household tasks and to finish the uploading of photographs.

Since July 2003 I have taken 250000 digital photos, over 200000 of these are of the 165000 completed cards with rest a mixture of specific projects on the seasons, visits related to previous experience an individual projects which interested me or part of personal and confidential matters. As with the crayoning and use of pastels they are intended to reflect development from childhood to adulthood, middle and old age and individually are not intended as free standing work but part of the whole. Many of those presently uploaded will last until I am ready to go through completed work and all the non work photographs and decide which I like most as representing the overall work and its development.

The golden rule applies that no one other than my mother and me will be identifiable unless permission has been given or the photo has already been published such as that when I organised a gathering at Parliament, technically an individual Member of the Commons hosted, to mark the passage of the 1969 Children and Young Person's Act, coinciding with the end of the Labour Government which supported the measure and the arrival of the new Conservative administration which opposed several key components. It was an important event in my life but insignificant in terms of the political and social changes which then followed. Some photographs will require time taking research. Over the years, my photograph appeared regularly in the local paper together with regular references to the work of the department I managed, I would send the cuttings to my mother which were kept in scrapbooks, but which were then destroyed as part of her illness. There are over 5000 editions of the local evening paper to be checked, and to be comprehensive there are two regional dailies and two other area evening papers and one regional Sunday which would require checking, unless the editors were prepared for someone to make copies of whatever they have kept on file.

A different kind of problem covers the photographs, some faded, the slides and the negatives from the period 1966-2003 before the digital camera was purchased. This process has commenced but it slow and tends to make way for other work which is of greater interest, until as now I wish I had devoted more time. The present frame work is of one set of 101 of me and one of homes, and work places, the one on my mother and of the family homeland, there are two on the seashore and one on the sky, with one on the garden year. The two which will take longer to complete are those on the work development and on completed work.

I also embarked on adding music and other video's from the Myspace collection, a treasure trove and where I am not sure if the profile will take 101 without freezing or taking time to then download.
I have been so busy doing and experiencing that I have not made daily notes or written up some important to me cultural events. I will make time for this weekend's mouth of the Tyne festival, the third, especially after this year going over by ferry to Tynemouth to visit the trad jazz stage and discovering that it was located next to the Rock of Gibraltar restaurant and pub, and where the staff explained in true Geordie that it was given the name because on a clear day you could see it!

During the past ten days I got to see the most beautiful love story and gripping mystery thriller "Don't Tell her," which if it does not receive the 2008 Best non English language film I will want to know why. This was the film I thought I was seeing a fortnight Friday. I also found watching United 93 almost unbearable. Cronos on DVD, the forerunner of, the Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labrynth, or so I thought only to find that it was not!

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