Monday 13 April 2009

1693 Working with Don McLean and Judy Collins singing

This is not a time to bring into immediate consciousness Easter holidays of previous years as I decided to work on the project with relaxed attention rather than concentrated fervour. However I have been remembering previous writings as I continue to read Myspace published Blogs of 2007 and upgraded the presentation for publication again through Google. Coming across writing of attending concerts of Don McClean and Judy Concerts I have been listening to their records.

Don Mclean If you could read my mind
Wonderful Baby

This work led to the completion of Google Blogs volumes 5816- 18; 5819-21, 5822-24 and reminds that I forgot to mention that in error I overwrote the list of completed sets according to category and number with the current record of completed sets listed according chronological date. Fortunate I had a copy on disk but saved at the end of September 2008. It was therefore necessary to reassembled the updated listed from the chronological list, in stages with Developments and Creatives and then Events and confidentials and the limited number of record records. Printing updates of the records led to reorganising my record of records indexes.

Love me Tender
It was a very Good Year
El Paso
My saddle Pal and I

The circular nature of aspects of the work does not escape me as I record having completed volumes of MySpace Blogs writing about recording volumes of Google Blogs of previously written Myspace Blogs, such is life. My Space Blogs 5789-91 5810-12

And I love you so
Empty Chairs
Homeless Brother
(Jesus on the Highway was a lost Hobo)

Birdie has been more on evidence on the nest because although the sun has been bright the temperature became cold, just above freezing on Bank Holiday Monday. I watched and listened to the Papal homily from the Vatican window overlooking St Peter’s Piazza in which he argued with conviction for the resurrection as a factual event and not symbolic. If I understood the transition correctly he claimed that without the reality of the physical resurrection of Jesus the rest of the religion was rendered meaningless because of our knowledge of scientific reality since then. In my opinion he made a fundamental fallacious conclusion equating moral conduct in its widest meaning with religious belief and immoral and decadent behaviour with scientific materialism when the evidence is to contrary in that some of the greatest acts of immoral and ungodly behaviour has been committed by religions and some of the heroic selfless acts of sacrifice, renunciation of wealth and worldliness committed by atheists. Cloistered thinking without a sense of space, time and history me thinks.

T Blues
Magdalene Lane
Although chill the sun was so bright even after three pm that I had to go out, with camera to capture the sun rays on the spring flowers in North and South Marine Parks. The only pity is that the Council has miscalculated the volume of people enjoying the holiday weather and all the red waste bins were overflowing. Picnickers had done there best putting the overflow in bags. I will go out later if the weather holds to check if this rubbish was removed overnight or left to accumulate. The parks looked brilliant and were being enjoyed by a wide cross section of the population.

Prime Time
American Pie
Run Diana Run
(They are crossing the Atlantic: It is just assassination)
You have gotta share

I wonder when Run Diana Run was written as it warns her to escape the attentions of the media, or the CIA who wish to destroy and where all those who briefed the media against have her death on their immortal conscience.

Judy Collins Cats in the Cradle
They Say its Wonderful
Amazing Grace

I enjoyed my food cooking the round kilo of gammon and eating several slices with roast potatoes, followed by half a small sweet melon. Later I could not resist a couple more slices with an olive, cucumber, tomato and lettuce salad followed by a banana. I enjoyed the Mclean so much that listened twice. Also see 183 Myspace - November 2007 and 1189 Don Mclean Starry Starry night.

Blowing in the Wind
My Heart Stood Still
Embraceable You
I’ve grown accustomed

In addition to completing the volumes of Blogs the new versions are being added to a separate Disk from the latest in batches of ten to twenty and the Blog index is being revised with inserting the Google Blogs alongside the My Space. I discover that I have not saved Google Blog 1214 Cry Tsotsi and to recover the position I have to call up My Space and find the writing, copy, and then save on hard drive and copy to disk. In the process that I also discover I have not printed 0ut 1213 The Headlines of a lost Blogs written at the time and then lost so feeling tired and lazy I had noted the main points I had written about.

Barbara Allen
Till there was you
My Funny Valentine
Morning had broken

The one task I have been shirking is photographing completed sets. I must get myself into the grove again. I sent some e mails and received some comments which generated a further cycle. I wrote and checked and had to rewrite and recheck.

How are things in Gloccenmara
Times they are changing
Leaving on a jet plane
Send in the Clowns

Priority in the evening as the last Lewis oft eh present series. It struck me that In Oxford the working class are obviously finding the working day too hard to contemplate murder where as the University is full of calculated killers and men and women of murdering passion. This last episode took the team into the countryside and an aging group of hard rockers which extraordinarily and incongruously Lewis was a fan of in his alleged youth. Rubbish, such personalities as he portrays were conformists. The Beatles perhaps and locals such as the Animals, Bryan Ferry and Dire Straits and even more likely Lindisfarne. He is unlikely to have had friends who smoked dope let alone had the occasional puff.

Don’t Cry for me Argentina
Loch Lomond
Plasir d’amour
Both sides now

Having slagged off this aspect of the two how show the saving grace were the number of fine actors assembled for and otherwise predicable who dun it when clues were ladled up for the simplest of watcher to work out well in advance. In fairness I did not work the motive. Joanna Lumley played the fake former rock singer and Simon Callow the gay creative impresario who had to get rid of those who realised the returning star was her overshadowed younger sister. Horribly miscast although she did her best was gorgeous fine actor Helena Baxendale who made her name in Cold Feet and went onto Friends.

Black is my colour
Younger than Springtime
Let it be

See Google 1226 Judy Collins and MySpace 218 Truth and Therapy.